
My ListWe watch every year as young people transition from one phase of life to another as they graduate high school or college. The excitement is easy to see in their eyes as they know, and we know, that life is about to change in some significant ways. For each of these youth, their own goals and dreams for what is next is as unique as each one of them. Change is a natural part of life, whether we welcome it or not.

If each of us were to take personal inventory, what would make the “change list”? Now, the thought of making a list that like might be intimidating, and in some ways, it should be. The list might be long….The list might seem unrealistic….The list might also be accurate.

I like making lists. Lists remind me what I need to do. Lists clarify for me what is important. And when something on the list is completed, there is that gratifying moment when I get to mark it done.

I made a list recently that was really self-revealing, and I’m glad for that. The list makes me be honest with myself. That list is telling me that there are some decisions I need to make to bring about some change within me. Whether or not that change will be easy is beside the point. That change needs to happen. I know that. God knows that too.

Are you ready to make your own list?

There is 1 comment for this article
  1. Bob Bolieu at 8:13 am

    How very thought provocating. I have learned to take stock of my days as I am in the shower or some other task that allows me to reflect on the day. I have found it to be a good way to keep my eyes on God and the path He has sat before me.

    Years ago I took several months to take an honest inventory of my life. It was amazing how God showed me that He was caring for me, loving me, even when I was His enemy…to see how He was preserving me so that I could live life with Him.

    I too enjoy list. As you said, for focus, and for encouragement when a task is checked as being completed.

    Now, once more, I am hearing God calling me to a major inventory of my life. I just now was reminded by God of how our physical life reflects our spiritual life. I have been doing a “physical” inventory at work for the past few weeks. I believe that there are no such things as coincidences, rather that every thing happens for a reason. So too is it with me coming to your site and finding a prodding about making list. I see that not only are you sharing this as a means of sharing your life, yet also as a leading of God for those who need to see and to hear.

    Thank You Lord for your patience, mercy and grace.

    Thank you Dave for being a willing vessel and a mighty man of God, one who is humble and pliable.