Justice Is

Justice is rooted in the character of God

and flows from the heart of God.


Justice is woven into the fabric of God’s creation,

part of the Image of God in every person.


Justice is commanded in God’s Scriptures

and integral to the promise of the gospel.


Justice is incarnated in the life of Jesus,

inseparable from His words and deeds.


Justice is highlighted in Jesus’ concern for the poor

and demonstrated in His death and resurrection.


Justice is the early church sharing what they had,

meeting the needs of others near and far.


Justice is the saints building hospitals and caring for orphans

instead of pursuing worldly wealth and self-interest.


Justice is the abolitionists laboring to end transatlantic slavery,

recognizing the God-given dignity and worth in each person.


Justice is the legacy of those who fought for civil rights,

who began to dismantle systems of violence and exploitation.


Justice is the worth and equality of people in every land,

for we are all God’s creation and God’s children.


Justice is God’s grand design for His creation,

a hope for every man, woman, and child to flourish in God’s kingdom.



By Ken Wytsma

Pursuing Justice, pages 13-14