Trash Mountain Project…Trip Three…Day Three

Trash Mountain Project…Trip Three…Day Three

A couple of travel days, and here I am in Manila, Philippines once again with Trash Mountain Project. Trip number three to the Philippines has taught me one thing clearly; it takes a couple of days to adjust. Adjusting to the time zone difference is not what I mean though that can be a little challenging. The real differences are experienced in the now familiar Filipino sights, sounds and smells, and realizing that they are noticeably different from normal days for me. Not better or worse, just different.

Past the differences though is a single challenge. What do I have to say from God’s word that transcends the different reality that Filipino pastors working in trash dump communities experience? When the people you shepherd face hunger, violence and disease on a regular basis, how does that alter the shape of your ministry? My prayer as these discipleship days begin: Lord speak to all of us.