Trash Mountain Project – Trip Three…Day Eight

Trash Mountain Project – Trip Three…Day Eight

The last training seminar just finished, and we’re sitting in the Palawan, Philippines airport waiting for our flight back to Manila. The day was a great day of learning for everyone (at least for me!). Here’s what I learned.

  • Pastors in the U.S. have an incredible privilege regarding education. Whether or not we access the educational opportunities available to us is up to us, however, the opportunities abound.
  • Filipino pastors face the same kinds of challenges and receive the same kinds of blessings as American pastors.
  • Humility in pastoral leadership is far more important than most people imagine. Experiencing the humility of these pastors is refreshing. I know many humble American pastors, and I know many American pastors who are not.
  • I ate some food that I never imagine I would eat…and I liked it!

The journey home to the US begins in about 12 hours, and I am excited.

  • I am thrilled to see my family! Words fail to express this sentiment.
  • I’m excited to see my church family and friends. They are such a joy to me.
  • And, I am afraid that I will forget. I know the memories of weeks like this remain, but often, memories dull with time, and I don’t want to forget the urgent need for this work. The need is real and our Filipino brothers and sisters deserve our love.